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Salut, mes amis! I am a 22-year-old actress currently juggling school, work, and various acting opportunities - all while keeping up with too many TV shows.

The Start

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Salut, mes amis!

I do not condone taking pictures while driving on the high way.
My name is Anne. If you are reading this post, than this blog already has more traffic than I expected.

I've never really tried my hand at blogging before, mostly because I figured that no one really cared about anything I thought about or liked or wanted to hear from me in general. This might end up being true, but I'm going to continue on as if I have hundreds and thousands of people reading because otherwise this would be a bit depressing, no?

So why the sudden urge to start blogging? It's something that I've been subconsciously thinking about for a while - having an outlet to talk about things within the relatively safe parameters of the internet - but the real push came from a quite popular blogger/YouTuber named Louise, otherwise known as Sprinkle of Glitter (here is her blog and here is her YouTube - she is fab and you should check her out if you're into make up and crafts and all things girlie). I've just recently discovered her stuff and just found it to be very positive and creative and cool. And I thought to myself, "I could do that! I might not get as many readers, but hey why not give it a try anyway!"

And here we are.

I don't want to make all my posts super long, because no one really has the time to sit down a read a million pages of text. So to keep this post somewhat brief, here is what this blog is shaping up to look like. I will eventually have a schedule, but I haven't quite nailed down all the specifics quite yet.
  • Updates on my life, including pictures, once a week! Perhaps having to post about the things I'm up to will help me to get out of my bedroom and actually live.
  • A roundup of things I've liked the past week, including products, videos, music and more! Part of being on the internet so much and really just living in general that I love is sharing the things that I love with other people and maybe even turning someone on to something that they didn't previously know about.
  • Random, possibly unscheduled posts! I don't really know what else it is that I'd like to do for sure. I don't think I'd like to post every day because then I feel like this outlet would become more like a chore to me, but I don't want to limit myself either. There might be special posts where I talk about a specific thing that I'm loving or that I'm involved in. Haven't quite decided yet.
As you might be able to tell, I am definitely open to ideas - What would you like to see on this blog? Feel free to leave me a comment! I'd love to have a sort of back & forth with all you lovely people!

Thanks for reading, dear reader.
À plus!

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